Deep: adjective 1. extending far down from the top or surface: a deep well; a deep valley. 2. covered or immersed to a specified depth (often used in combination): standing knee-deep in water. 3. extending or cutting far down relative to the surface of a given object: The knife made a deep scar in the table. 4. situated far down, in, or back: deep below the surface; deep in the woods. 5. reaching or advancing far down: a deep dive. 6. coming from far down: a deep breath. 7. difficult to penetrate or understand; abstruse: a deep allegory. 8. not superficial; profound: deep thoughts. 9. grave or serious: deep disgrace. 10. heartfelt; sincere: deep affections. 11. absorbing; engrossing: deep study. 12. great in measure; intense; extreme: deep sorrow. 13. low in pitch, as sound, a voice, or the like: deep, sonorous tones. 14. mysterious; obscure: deep, dark secrets.
Coffee: noun 1. a beverage consisting of a decoction or infusion of the roasted ground or crushed seeds (coffee beans) of the two-seeded fruit (coffee berry) of certain coffee trees. 2. the seeds or fruit themselves. 3. a cup of coffee: We ordered four coffees and three doughnuts. 4. a social gathering at which coffee and other refreshments are served. 5. medium to dark brown.
Nonsense: noun 1. words or language having little or no sense or meaning. 2. conduct, action, etc., that is senseless, foolish, or absurd: to have tolerated enough nonsense. 3. impudent, insubordinate, or otherwise objectionable behavior: He doesn't have to take that nonsense from you. 4. something absurd or fatuous: the utter nonsense of such a suggestion. 5. anything of trifling importance or of little or no use. 6. Genetics . a DNA sequence that does not code for an amino acid and is not transcribed ( distinguished from sense).
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